Welcome Sappee Resort!
Here is some important instructions for the cabin.

Before lighting the fireplace, please remember to open the damper. Also close the damper after use!
Before lighting the fireplace, open the terrace door slightly to improve ventilation. Start with a small amount of wood and only add more when the fire gets going. These instructions are important to follow, especially during low pressure weather.
When the fire starts to burn properly, you can close the door. Remember to close the damper only when the embers have completely gone out.

There are two ways to heat the stove; straight away and timing. Don’t keep the sauna on in vain because when it’s on, all apartment radiators are automatically turned off. The sauna is ready (75C) in an hour after it has started heating. The heat controller must be in the max position. Make sure that the ventilation flap is closed when the sauna is in use. Open the flap after you’re done using the sauna. There is a 4 hour timer in the stove, so make sure that you don´t turn the timer on if you want to heat the sauna right away.

Firewood can be found in the storage.
If you run out of firewood, please contact us at +358207559970.

There is a charcoal grill on the terrace, please bring your own coals and lighter fluid. There are also several common barbecue places in the Sappee area.

The ventilation control is in the cooker hood. The fan should always be kept at least in position one. When taking a sauna, the ventilation is increased to position 2-3.
The cabin has an air source heat pump that can be used for heating in the winter and cooling in the summer. ATTENTION! Do not use the cooling mode during the winter because the device may freeze and break.

If you have problems with the dishwasher, please first check that the water is on. The switch can be found on the water faucet of the kitchen sink.
The cabin’s refrigerator is empty on arrival. Please notice that if you fill the fridge with food and drinks that are not cold, it takes a while for the fridge to cool down again. Thus we recommend that you put only mandatory food items in first, and maybe use the freezer for pre-cooling your drinks and then moving them into the fridge.
The refrigerator door should also not be kept open for a long time.

There are garbage cans in the yard.

Electric car charging points are located in Sappee’s main parking lot.
To use the charging point you need to download the application eparking.fi. Payment is made through the application.
Charging from the cabin’s plugs is prohibited.
It is possible to heat the car from the cabin’s heating pole.
We sincerely hope that you enjoy your stay at Sappee.
If you have any problems or would like to give us feedback, please send us an email at: sappee@sappee.fi
Phone: Sappee Sales Service +358207559970 on Weekdays 9-16 (winter season weekdays and Saturdays 9-18, Sundays 10-17:30).